Eltel Microwave Radio Links
We deliver Microwave Radio Links from Ericsson.
- Ericsson provides a market leading product
- Ericsson radios have features which there is a high demand for in the offshore industry
- Innovative Space Diversity system
- Full redundancy
- Long-haul og short haul (Offshore ca 70 km, to Onshore 200 km +)
- High Capacity
- High Stability and Uptime
We deliver Radio Links with Stabilized Solutions from BATS.
- Unique combination of radios from Ericsson and stailized antennas from BATS
- DVM Series - Domed 360 degrees
- Onpoint - Open +/- 15 degrees
- ATEX option
- We have taken part in the product development with BATS, specifically to fit hardware and sotware with Ericsson radios and offshore requirements
Eltel Offshore Experience
- Engineering and Integration for Offshore Requirements
- Lab in Bergen for product development, testing , FATS, and training
- Broad international experience with delivery of communication solutions and services to the offshore industry
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information on our solutions and services, and how we can help your offshore operations.
Photo credits this page
Top: Field Johan Sverdrup. Photo Lizette Berntsen and Johnny Engelsvoll © Equinor
Preamble: Field Johan Castberg. Photo Lizette Berntsen and Johnny Engelsvoll © Equinor
Christer Friis
Sales Manager Offshore & Renewable Energy
+47 481 71 594